Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüssler (1821 – 1898) was a homeopathic physician and the founder of “biochemical therapeutic method”, therapy with so-called Schuessler salts. He discovered that a deficiency of minerals can be the root cause of diseases and health problems.
The homeopathically administered mineral salts essentially perform these functions:
- They help the cells use nutrients from food.
- They provide healing impulses
- They serve as catalysts and improve the function of cells
The range of Schuessler salts includes more than 27 functional remedies, the first 12 of these being the most common.
Ask for the information sheet on Schuessler salts in our pharmacy. It lists the functional remedies 1 to 12 with their applications.
Contact Details
Altstadt Apotheke
Albrecht-Dürer-Platz 11
90403 Nürnberg
Telefon: 0911/230 830
Telefax: 0911/230 8333
E-Mail: team@altstadt-apo.de
Internet: www.altstadt-apo.de
Business Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 18:30 pm
Saturday closed